The British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands are one of the most well known locations for sailing vacations. Everyday there is a new island to explore so that we know you are living the best yacht life possible. The British Virgin islands are unique in that you can visit a lot of islands in one single day, or take your time and just do one stop a day. Whether it is snorkeling, diving, drinking rum punches, sunbathing, or dirt biking, there is absolutely something for everyone in the BVI.

Choose your BVI sailing itinerary, either a group flotilla or private charter!

Before You Arrive: Getting to the British Virgin Islands

There are two primary ways to get to the British Virgin Islands for your sailing vacation. One is flying directly in the BVI and the other is flying into St Thomas and taking a short (and beautiful) ferry ride. Check out our guide on your options!

Arrival Day: The Marina

After you arrive in the BVI, you will get the first day to relax and learn the boat at the Marina. Throughout the day, we will relax at the pool at the Marina, meet each other and enjoy cocktails as we get ready for the week. There's a few amazing restaurants we can choose from in town to eat from!

Day 1: Norman Island and Trellis Bay

Norman Island is perhaps most famous for being the inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, Treasure Island. However, Norman Island also has a rich documented history of being the place pirates would hide hidden treasure. There are a few things to do around Norman Island. If you like snorkeling, you will love “The Caves” which have stunning coral and fish. This is also one of the best snorkeling days! Norman Island is also home to the world famous pirate bar, the Willy Ts, BVI!

At night we will head to Trellis Bay where we will collect some firewood and have a wonderful bonfire on the beach.

the indians bvi

Day 2: Virgin Gorda

The Baths are Virgin Gorda’s most famous attraction, and we will spend the afternoon there. It will be your favorite stop on the trip. The baths are enormous boulders scattered across beaches creating an exotic landscape of magical grottos. There is nothing like it in the world.

For the evening we will head to Leverick Bay or Oil Nut Bay where we will watch a pirate show and enjoy a nice dinner ashore at a local resort.

Day 3 and 4: Anegada

Anegada is the second largest island of the British Virgin Islands but also the least populated island with only 285 residents.  Located just a few hour sail North East of Virgin Gorda, it is one of the most stunning places of the British Virgin Islands. Over the two days we are here, you will be able to experience some of the most beautiful beaches of the British Virgin Islands, visit some of the best beach bars in the world, eat the world famous Anegada Lobster, and watch the most amazing sunsets.


Day 5: Jost Von Dyke

Today we will enjoy a day of beautiful sailing towards Jost van Dyke and White Bay. This is the home of the one of the most famous bars in the BVIs, Soggy Dollar Bar – original home of the Painkiller, a drink known worldwide. You have to jump off the boat to get there, leaving you with “Soggy Dollars”.

In the afternoon we move to Great Harbour, home to Foxy’s Bar, and moor for the night. Foxy’s offer live Caribbean music and wild parties.

Day 6: Back to Norman Island!

The last day we will enjoy a nice long sail back to Norman Island. No one likes to get up super early in the morning, so we will party the night at Willy T, BVI and start to pack up for our departure the following day.


Are you ready to join!?

November 24-December 1, 2024

Cow Wreck Beach, Anegada

Cow Wreck Beach, Anegada